Thursday 4 August 2022


        Enzymes are the biological catalysts (also called biocatalysts) which accelerate the biological processes in living organisms. Enzyme lowers the activation energy of the reaction, hence speed up the reaction. Enzymes are must for the systematic functioning of biological processes such digestion, respiration, muscle activities, nerve function, excretion and few other metabolic activites. 

Enzymes are proteins which made up of one or more aminoacids. They react with the molecule called substrate and convert the substrate into products. Also, enzymes are highly specific in nature. 

Some examples of enzymes in human body are,

  • Lactase - converts lactose into glucose and galactose
  • Maltase - breaks down maltose into glucose
  • Lactate dehydrogenase - converts lactate into pyruvate
  • Rennin - converts milk proteins into peptides
  • Protease - breaks down protein into amino acids
The enzymes has also got many industrial applications. Some examples are, 
  • Amylase and protease - baking
  • Rennin - cheese production
  • Cellulase, protease, oxidases, amylase and peroxidase - detergent industry

Read more details about enzymes in the following book.


Thank you!

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